Project themes: This page is dedicated to people who have appreciated the space sharing their photos . The work of Visual Merchandaising , took place following a precise program of events that placed within the area, so we were able to turn the idea into graphic design and constructive .
The intent is to give a quality commercial communication through the different potential exposure of the product inside the room , quality appreciated by the Customers ” OttimoMassimogurmet ”
Project team: Sebastian Corso/PSCarchitetti & Michela Alquati/Domenica Design.
Collaborators: Emilio Boiardi, Sina Claus.
V003Project DataTitle: OttimoMassimo fast gourmet
Client: Viaspadari s.r.l.
Date: Running from Jenuary 2015.
Location: Milan, Italy.
Dimensions: 150 m2.
Client: Viaspadari s.r.l.
Date: Running from Jenuary 2015.
Location: Milan, Italy.
Dimensions: 150 m2.