Title: CS Flat
Year: Completed September 2017
Place: Brescia, Italy
Dimensions: 180 m2
Client: Private
Year: Completed September 2017
Place: Brescia, Italy
Dimensions: 180 m2
Client: Private
Title: GDA Flat
Year: Completed September 2016
Place: Milan, Italy
Dimensions: 80 m2
Client: Private
Year: Completed September 2016
Place: Milan, Italy
Dimensions: 80 m2
Client: Private
Title: PSMB Building renovation
Year: From June 2013 to February 2014.
Place: Milan, Italy.
Dimensions: Confidential.
Client: ISG Italia.
Year: From June 2013 to February 2014.
Place: Milan, Italy.
Dimensions: Confidential.
Client: ISG Italia.
Title: TGS Villa
Year: Running from November 2012.
Place: Asciano, Italy.
Dimensions: 500 m2.
Client: Private.
Year: Running from November 2012.
Place: Asciano, Italy.
Dimensions: 500 m2.
Client: Private.
Title: PC Villa
Year: Completed May 2011.
Place: Garda Lake, Manerba del Garda, Italy.
Dimensions: 320 m2.
Client: Private.
Year: Completed May 2011.
Place: Garda Lake, Manerba del Garda, Italy.
Dimensions: 320 m2.
Client: Private.
Title: RDV Summer Residences
Year: 2011.
Place: Rocchetta di Vara (La Spezia), Italy.
Dimensions: Total Area: 10000 m2, 16 Units of 1200 m2.
Year: 2011.
Place: Rocchetta di Vara (La Spezia), Italy.
Dimensions: Total Area: 10000 m2, 16 Units of 1200 m2.
Title: CP Flat
Year: Completed February 2011.
Place: Milan, Italy.
Dimensions: 160 m2.
Client: Private.
Year: Completed February 2011.
Place: Milan, Italy.
Dimensions: 160 m2.
Client: Private.
Title: BS Social Housing
Year: October 2010.
Place: Bern, Switzerland.
Dimensions: Total Area 5000 m2, 15 units 2460 m2.
Year: October 2010.
Place: Bern, Switzerland.
Dimensions: Total Area 5000 m2, 15 units 2460 m2.